Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Fun Begins!

On New Year's Eve we had a bit of a flood around here. Our washing machine went a little haywire. So we had a lot of water damage to our floors. We went thru ourn homeowners insurance and filed a claim. Now we have just started demolition, because they are coming to lay the new floors tomorrow. We have a lot of work to get done today! I think I may even paint today since all of the carpet will be picked up and base boards off and stuff. I will take pictures and keep everyone up to date, with the exciting work.This is the big pile of new laminate wood flooring, just waiting to be installed! It's darker than what we had before. I am excited to see it in.


Jen said...

Girl what is up with you guys and your floods? I love the floors , I like that color much better. What an exciting way to get an update. Good luck on all the hard work. love ya , Jen

Laurie said...

I'm overwhelmed just looking at the work a head of you. Can't imagine how you feel. You'll feel better when it's all done. I want to see that paint concoction you put together.

Laurie said...

Kim, it's time to update the page picture that accompanies my comments. I don't like the head shot of Jax. When your done transforming your house, I need help.

Shannon said...

can't wait to see pics of everything