Friday, September 28, 2007

Is anyone there?

Well I always joke that I blog for my sister, and my mom. I am starting to think it's true. Does anyone ever read my blog? Could someone just send me a comment once in a while? I feel like a loser in blog world. I don't craft at all. My sister does that. I played sports, she didn't. I can't craft, she isn't athletic- ha ha! I always like to tease her just a bit, and since she is the only one reading this, it's probably ok. Maybe I will just start being crafty, or write poetry, or design a new line of clothing. Let me think about my options and I will get back to you all.


Mrs. D said...

I read it! I like to see what is going on down there in one of my favorite places to get away. Sin City... doesn't make sense. Keep up the great blogging.

Julie D. said...

i am. I'm shannon's friend, and I'm a self confessed blog stalker! :) Keep it up!

Shannon said...

oh just keep bloggin and stop crying about it =)

Infarrantly Creative said...

put on your big girl panties and keep blogging...we are listening. I will buy your clothes if you ever design a line...i promise.

Dena said...

Wa wa wa!!! Poor little kimmy. I read it and you left me out. Now I'll have to blog about the fact that you left me out...wa wa wa. Ok and I have a nursery to decorate and you have another shower to be crafty for so call Shannon get some ideas and get crafting.