Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Saturday, Madison celebrated her 12th birthday. She invited a handful of friends to go to the Mandalay Bay Hotel Pool. They have this awesome set up, with a wave pool, lazy river, and a couple of pools. We have a good friend, D. Biddy, who is a manager there who gave us the pool passes. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures at the actual pool, because I didn't want to bring my camera since I was swimming too. This is a picture of Madison and her friends at the house before we left.
Sunday, we had an awesome time at church in the morning, and then a great relaxing rest of the day. I had a great nap. It was one of those naps when you try and wake up and your body just won't let you. My head felt like it weighed 110 pounds. I mean I know my butt does, but not my head! Mikelle lost her 2nd tooth on Sunday. Two in the same week-
Today, I took the girls swimming in the early afternoon. Then, I had to meeting, and Charles took them to Grazianos. It's basically like a Chuck e Cheese. So the kids had a pretty full day.
Tomorrow I am starting the Mayo Clinic Diet. The first 3 days is a cleanse. Oh my goodness. I did this diet one time years ago. It was hard. I hated it. But I did have pretty good instant results. Trying to get into some clothes for girls get a way weekend. Wish me luck. If anyone wants me to post the diet, let me know. I will post my results, if I stick to it.

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