Monday, June 23, 2008

Blogger Jealousy!

About two weeks ago, I was listed on the famous blog page SITS as a "saucy blog"! What a difference it made in my comments. I was enjoying the glory, feeling excited, on top of the world.....but now...things are a bit back to normal. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my 5 comments per blog, (if I am lucky) but it's almost forcing me to "sin". I mean isn't being coveteous, a sin. Yeah, it's true! I want what Heather has, comments, comments, and more comments. God forgive me, please! I know that there is atleast one major difference between us. I mean the fact that she is a fantastic writer, and has an amazing story to tell, might work in her favor! Lol! All kidding aside, I have really enjoyed checking out all of the new blogs, and having new blog friends checking mine out. It's kind of fun. So if you are feeling like doing a good deed for the day, please leave me just a little comment. Even if it doesn't pertain to this boring blog. Just throw your girl a bone- Love to all my blogger friends-


Laurie said...

Kim please, your getting beside yourself! Sure all those comments from your " step bloggers " are great. Although I have the absolute pleasure of knowing you personally. Enjoy your new blog life!

Robin said...

Yeah, I know where you're coming from. I love it when I get lots of comments and am sad when I don't !
In any case, I'll be visiting regularly and will always leave a comment :-)

Fellow Vegas Gal Robin

Shannon said...

consider the bone go fetch!!

Heather said...

I'm here!! I'm here every day!! (waving hands) I think you're fabulous.

KimmyJ said...

I'm here too. That is why we hae SITStas though, to throw us a bone when we need it!

Trish said...

Guilty as charged. I peek in on you about once a week. Sorry!

I too have comment envy sometimes and I'd like to think that people should just be leaving me comments because I am funny and whitty and a fab writer......

but the truth is if I don't show the love I aint gonna get the love.

So here's to comments. I'll leave them when i stop by. I lvoe reading about your family and your girls are beautiful!!

Oh yeah, five weeks was how long I kept silent with my little secret about Vicki's pregnancy! She was going to tell me at her birthday dinner, but I missed it because I was sick, then we never had a moment alone without the kids. SO the day she told Lauren, she called me to tell me because she knew that Ben would be hearing it in class the next day. I had to confess that I already knew and had been carrying around a little gift for her for FIVE weeks.

Dena said...

you are nuts!!! Does this make you happier than me bringing my butt and the little ones to climb up your stairs?

Melissa Lee said...

Thou shalt not covet comments from your friends or strangers as it pertains to blogs or the like thereof.

- Moses (on the mountaintop, circa 200bc.)'re in trouble. Moses was talking directly to you. Quit being jealous of me and my big, fat, 10 comments! :)

ALLISON said...

CommentcommentCommentCommentComment...there you go...I just left you 3 today, hopefully that'll make up for my lack of commenting. I'm brand new to this world and I've found that I just love this medium to expell the musings from my brain and heart. If someone actually ever reads them, that's a bonus...or I'm embarrassed, I can't decide. I love your blog and I'll continue to comment!!!