Friday, June 13, 2008

My Little Morning Miracle!

Today at Mikelle's kindergarten class, they are having "Dads and Doughnuts", in honor of Father's Day. My husband is a high school teacher. In the summertime, he usually substitute teaches, or teaches summer school for the extra cashola! Every summer for the last 8 years he has taught summer school. He just walked through the door 10 minutes ago, to give me the bad news, that they don't need him for summer school. Which means, he really needs to sub EVERY DAY! So now we are back at "Dads and Doughnuts". It has already been established that Charles will not sub today so that he can go to Mikelle's class. But now things are a bit different, because he isn't going to be able to teach summer school. Are you tracking with me? Our heart strings are tearing, because we don't want to upset Mikelle. The phone rings and it's the computerized system that calls with a substitute job that is available. He asks me, "what should I do?" I ask Mikelle if she will be really upset if daddy can't come, she puts her head down and walks slowly over to me where she burries her head in my bosom! Next thing I hear is my hubby say that he is going to take the job. He hangs up the phone, and tells me that the sub job was for Mikelle's school! No stinkin' way! I believe there are over 350 schools in this school district. So imagine the odds. Coincidence? Maybe! A God who cares about the little things in our lives? Probably!!


KimmyJ said...

Aww - that is awesome!! I sure wouldn't want your little sweetie to get any hurt feelings.

Dena said...

That is so sweet. He couldn't dare break the heart of his mini me. I can't wait to see the girls next week. Ok you and Charles too ;-) Talk to you soon.

Laurie said...

Sorry to hear the loss of work this summer! Happy to hear he was able to make it work with Mikelle. I just can't believe how much extra money is going out of my house! My groceries have almost doubled, it's very stressfull. One day at a time........

Scott said...

Kel bel papa was very happy to see that the Lord provided work for your dad and a way for him to be at your school. Yeah God! LOL Papa Scott

Candid Carrie said...

After all, even God is a father. if he can't understand this situation ... who could ;)

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!

meleea said...

God is so faithful to care about the small stuff in life. Great story!!

Anonymous said...

What a happy ending post! Hooray for Daddy! :)

P.S in case you were wondering, I wandered over from SITS.

Anonymous said...

What a testament to our Lord I love it when we are reminded daily how great He is. I am so sorry about Charles job. I will keep the prayers comin. lol mom

Unknown said...

Appearing from SITS :-)

That's funny :-) What are the chances of that happenning !! You probably should have gone down to one of the casinos and bet a couple of dollars on Megabucks :-)

I'm in NV too. I volunteer at a local elementary school and it's very disheartening to see the cuts that are being made, especially afer being told that there would not be any! Your husband's summer school teaching job was possibly another casualty. :-(

Shannon said...

It's amazing how HE cares about the little stuff! We tend to only go to Him for the big stuff sometimes, but He asks us to pray without that means the little stuff too!

Heather said...

That's amazing!! God is so good!