Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hubby Shout Out!

Certainly didn't mean to not talk about my man on Father's Day. He is so special, just thought I would give him his own "shout out", as the SiTs girls say! We have been married for almost 14 years now, together for about 18 years! We got together when I was 18. Last August I turned 36 and remember thinking wow, I have been with Charles for exactly half of my life! Well, he is certainly an amazing man to spend my life with. I feel really blessed. We have 3 lovely girls, and their daddy loves them. The poor guy must feel overwhelmed by estrogen somedays. Lol! Especially soon, because I have two going through puberty as we speak.....uh oh! As a husband, father, teacher, head football coach at a high school, Charles is hard working, loyal, faithful, fun, and oh so giving. I was taken back all those years ago by his faith, romance, smile, and hot bod- And all these years later, he is that same man, only better. Thanks honey for sticking with me throught the good and the bad! Honey, I love ya more than french fries & ranch! (Now c'mon ladies, that's a lot!)


KimmyJ said...

Awww! That is a whole lotta love, girlie - more than ff and ranch...Wow!

Heather said...

MORE than french fries with ranch?? That's love. He looks (and sounds) like such a sweet guy. You're a lucky lady.

Laurie said...

Go CA! I know first hand Charles, you put up with a lot! Ha Ha! He's very much the jokester, and always looking to help. I also know Kim does not love him more than cheesecake, he needs several more years of good times for that, Ha!!!!

Dena said...

It was always meant to be with you two. You'll be on a porch one day rocking next to each other talking about the good ol days.

Tiffany said...

more than french fires with ranch? That is serious love.