Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No, It's NOT Jesus in Sandals!

Remember the story from Park City....we all went tubing down the river, and Charles and the girls had a very eventful end to their journey. Well, during all the turmoil of trying to rescue Miah from the rapids, Charles lost one of his sandals. He really didn't feel much like looking in the cold Utah river for it. Instead he put on the first sandal that he found. I'm assuming that some girl (because of the small bow) lost her sandal earlier, and Charles found it. He had no shame in his game as he strutted about. Lisa, Toni and the other moms got the biggest kick out of it. That girls must have a big foot, because it almost fit.
I didn't blog last week because it was just a busy week with VBS. I am back and will try and get back into the swing of things.

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