Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day 2 in blog world!

Okay, so thanks to Shannon, I have the coolest blog page. I did at least come up with the name, but like I could ever have come up with all the graphics. So thanks to my ever so clever, and talented lil' sis. The girls and I are coming to Vancouver on Monday. I have so much to do. Does anyone else, despise laundry? I wish, I could just buy new clothes every week and skip it all together. If you have any good ideas on keeping up with the laundry in a house of 5 let me know. The one load a day, isn't enough- Well, for the last two weeks we have been watching our good friends' son, Tanner. He is 1 year old and adorable. I forgot how tiring it is having little ones around. I like it now that they are old enough for me to escape to my room for an hour. Now, when I come out it's a mess, and someone has a black eye, but hey who ever said the price of freedom was cheap. Just kidding, well not about the mess! Well, have a good day. God Bless

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You are so lucky to have such a fantabulous sister that is so talented!